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Dear OzPets,

On behalf of the Committee and members of the Tibetan Spaniel Association of Victoria Inc, I would like to thank you for your recent sponsorship of our 2009 Championship Show held on Sunday, 5th July. The show was a fabulous success. In fact, one of the trainee judges in attendance (who is also one of the head stewards at the Royal Melbourne Show) said it was one of the best shows he had ever seen!

The raffle held during the show managed to raise funds for the Club which will be used to assist in the rescue of Tibetan Spaniels which need re-homing, who, for various reasons, have been lost or ended up in animal shelters. We are lucky in that it isn't a huge problem in our breed but we help out when required.

This year we again gave out show bags for all the exhibitors that entered the show (both show dogs and those in our special "pet" class) and managed to get some great promotional and advertising items from our sponsors to go inside each of the bags. The showbags are a real hit with everyone. Sponsors also provided trophies and/or raffle prizes. Your raffle prizes were very popular - I personally was hoping to win one of the beds and my Dad actually won the big one. He (of course) gave it to me for one of my older Tibbies, Barney, who is the biggest of mine so I was thrilled, as was Barney!

 Once again, we would like to thank you Katie for your support and for helping to make our show the best one we have ever had. Hopefully we can contact you next year if you feel you have received good value for your money.

Yours sincerely,

Pam Dunlop

Tibetan Spaniel Association of Victoria Inc.

Last Update: 04/08/09 14:04 Views: 8533

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