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THE SEARCH ENGINE - Australia's largest pet portal. Pet products, pet breeders, pet classifieds, pet friendly places to stay, pet clubs, pet photos and more. - Shop online for all your pets needs, dog products, cat products, books on dog training, rare breeds, toys for dogs, toys for cats, bird products, pet beds and much more. - For animals in Australia. Animal products, animal breeders, animal classifieds, animal friendly places to stay, animal clubs, animal photos and more. - For all things cat in Australia. Cat products, cat breeders, cat classifieds, cat friendly places to stay, cat clubs, cat photos and more. - For pet chat, if you have questions or stories about your pets pet chat is the place to be. - 1000's of pet photo's, upload your pet photos and send as an e-card.

OzPetShop - Cat Products, Supplies and AccessoriesOzPetShop - Dog Products, Supplies and Accessories

Welsh Terrier

There were 9985 purebred Terrier dogs registered in Australia in 2002. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier was by far the most popular with 3591 registered.

PetGallery - Pet Photos and Pictures

OzPetShop - Pet Products, Supplies and Accessories